
While working on the underground part (shopping mall, parking garage) of this project, I also worked on this rather ambitious open staircase/plaza section.
Even though the execution of the whole design perhaps leaves something to be desired, I believe certain parts came out quite well, perhaps most notably this massive metal fence, which I designed myself.

In addition to also designing all four of the outdoor metal construction stairscases on the site, I also worked on the fire-emergency and ventilation exhausts on the top level, the underground atriums, the communication tower, etc. At present some of these features still remain unbuilt or unfinished.
Working on this particular staircase (last image) was especially intriguing, since its somewhat peculiar form is not a result of a design choice, but rather a result of structural necessity. There are three more levels of parking garage below the ground level in this image, so the options for the positioning of the support columns for the staircase were very limited indeed.

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